
Showing posts from August, 2017

Oracle DB:Oracle 12C DB installation Error -Failed to access the temporary location

While installing Oracle 12 database in Windows 7, an error "Failed to access the temporary location" occurs. Error: Cause - Failed to access the temporary location.  Action - Ensure that the current user has required permissions to access the temporary location.  Additional Information:  - Framework setup check failed on all the nodes  - Cause: Cause Of Problem Not Available  - Action: User Action Not Available Summary of the failed nodes <>- Version of exectask could not be retrieved from node “<>”  - Cause: Cause Of Problem Not Available  - Action: User Action Not Available Solution:  To get rid of this issue, add share in "Computer Management" 1. In Run (Win symbol+R) , type  compmgmt.msc 2. Under Shared Folders, Shares 3. Right click, Click on "New Share" 4. Click Next 5. Provide "C:\" in the Folder path and  cl...

SOAPUI : SSL Handshake exception calling a secure webservice or how to invoke HTTPS webservice in SOAPUI

For invoking HTTPS webservices in SOAPUI or if there is exception while invoking secured http webservice, then follow the below mentioned steps 1. Open the file named SoapUI-*.*.*.vmoptions , under <Installation path>\SmartBear\SoapUI-5.3.0\bin 2. Add the following parameter at the end and save the file -Dsoapui.https.protocols=TLSv1.2,SSLv3 3.Restart the SOAPUI and try accessing the webservice again. Cheers!!!!

Oracle DB:How to start pluggable databases in 12c Oracle DB

In Oracle 12c DB, we have containers or pluggable databases on which the actual schemas are placed. But they wont get started automatically, when DB is started. So, for the pluggable databases to start along with normal DB, small modification should be done. Below is how to do it. 1. Login to sqlplus with sysdba or sysoper user for normal SID or Service name Eg: orcl is the main service name and pdborcl is the pluggable db, then login to sys user of orcl . 2. Execute the following queries i. ALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE ALL OPEN; ii. alter pluggable database PDBORCL save state; iii. SELECT name, open_mode FROM v$pdbs; Snapshots: Note: Please try it and for clarifications try to read oracle documentations regarding to this in oracle site.

Linux Commands-paste, cut :Convert data in a text file from rows to columns

Sample file: input.txt qw er ty as df gh zx cv bn Step1: Count the number of lines in the file using wc count=`cat input.txt |wc -l` Step2: In a for loop based on above count variable, cut the values based on space and paste for ((i=1;i<=$count;i++)); do cut -d' ' -f"$i" input.txt |paste -sd' '; done Output: qw as zx er df cv ty gh bn

Oracle SQL: How to use sqlplus without Oracle binaries or using oracle instant client libraries

Once Oracle DB is installed , Normally sqlplus is part of the oracle DB bin path. From the path use ./sqlplus to connect . In some cases , where DB is not available in the system and still we need to connect to DB. In that case, oracle provides a workaround to connect to the DB. Download the client from oracle site - Below is the Sample download link given for linux X86 32 bit. Similarly downloads are available for different OS ,chip architectures and DB versions. Once downloaded, unzip it to a path like "/sw/instantclient_12_2" Add this path to the PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables. export PATH=$PATH:/sw/instantclient_12_2 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/sw/instantclient_12_2 Below is the sample shell script to connect to the DB using the sqlplus client  #!/bin/bash export PATH=$PATH:/sw/instantclient_12_2 ex...

Linux Commands-Date:To find first day or last day of particular month

How to find the first day or last day of a particular month in linux using DATE First day: date -d "-$(($(date +%d)-1)) days" +%d-%m-%Y Last day: date -d "1 month -$(date +%d) days"  +%d-%m-%Y