Configure, Modify, Rename,Delete a listener for Oracle 11g database
Steps to configure listener When a client like SQL Developer, toad etc. wants to establish a connection to an Oracle Server, it usually first contacts the listener . The listener then creates a foreground process ( dedicated mode ) or attaches the request to an existing foreground process ( shared mode ). The client then directly communicates with that foreground process . A listener can accept requests for more than one instance. Likewise, more than one listener can accept requests for the same instance (load balancing). 1. Open terminal and go to the bin folder under ORACLE_HOME cd /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/bin ./netca 2. Since there are no existing listeners we will get only add listener as option. Click on Add option and click next. 3. Provide the name for the listener (Eg. ORCL, DB11G e...
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