Starting and stopping database in linux

Steps to start the database instance

Ø  Open terminal window and type the following command
 cd /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/bin
 sqlplus / as sysdba

Ø  We will get SQL> prompt .
Ø  Here type startup if already the OracleSID is set in the environment variables under bash_profile.
Else export the SID using the below command

 export ORACLE_SID=<sid> (In our case the sid is DB11G) and then issue “sqlplus / as sysdba” followed by startup command.

Steps to stop a database instance

Ø  Open terminal window and type the following command
 cd /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/bin
 sqlplus / as sysdba

Ø  We will get SQL> prompt .
Ø  Here type shutdown if already the OracleSID is set in the environment variables under bash_profile.
Else export the SID using the below command

 export ORACLE_SID=<sid> (In our case the sid is DB11G) and then issue “sqlplus / as sysdba” followed by shutdown command.


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